
Informing tunnelling operations is one of the major cornerstones of our work. Pressuremeter testing has proven to be a valuable tool for the design and construction of major tunnelling projects around the world.

K0 – Investigating Ko (The ratio of Hz:Vt stress) when values from initial investigation techniques are in question.

Anisotropy – Determining how the stress regime varies based on surrounding influences. Case study: during a project, abnormalities in Ko with depth were observed. Subsequently it was determined that a metro tunnel, a matter of metres away, was effecting the stress distribution around the tunnel.

Material Characterisation – Testing based on tunnel profile and/or geology surrounding a proposed tunnel. Testing at depths that relate to the tunnel profile (e.g. above, top, middle, bottom and below the tunnel’s central axis) can be used to determine if the material is behaving in a drained or undrained manner.