Tailing Storage Facilities (TSFs) – Rapidly becoming a ‘hot-topic’ of discussion with mines at various stages of production. Ranging from early investigations to characterise proposed locations, to existing facilities that have insufficient historical data, areas of concern or plans for expansion that all require data to ensure safety and compliance.
Liquefaction – The Cambridge Self-Boring Pressuremeter (SBP) features two pore water pressure cells, that allow the observation of excess pore water pressure throughout the duration of a test, allowing the potential to observe localised static liquefaction.
Testing Stope Backfill – Cambridge probes can be deployed vertically downwards or upwards as well as horizontally. This allows for the integrity and suitability of stope backfill to be investigated.
Stress Distribution Around Excavations – Whether at surface or underground, Cambridge pressuremeters can provide data to assess stress anisotropy and variation in relation to an excavation.